LEVEL I – Comprehensive course
Module 5
Specific knowledge of the concrete characteristics of the clients that students will work with
a) The individualized intervention as a primary principle when working with people with autism.
- Definition and importance of an individualized plan of intervention.
- What and how must be adapted to adjust the intervention.
- An individualized approach as a right of people with autism.
b) Knowledge of the particular individual with autism.
- Strenghts and weaknesses.
- Interests and motivations.
- Paying attention to the specific needs and characteristics.
c) The cognitive style of people with autism: personal and unique.
- Introduction and definition of cognitive style.
- Cognitive style in autism.
- Skills and abilities that constitute the cognitive style.
d) Individualized intervention plans for people with autism
- What does quality of life mean?
- Definition of support and classification according to their intensity.
- Person-centred planning (PCP).
e) Information gathering techniques for the development of an individualized plan.
- Systematic observation.
- Interview.
- Techniques to register the information.
- Know what an individualized plan of intervention is and its importance to work with people with autism.
- Learn how to identify their strengths and weaknesses and their interests and motivations to promote an approach based on them, in order to improve not only the intervention but the relation with these persons.
- Know the specific cognitive style of a person with ASD to develop an individualized plan of intervention for them.
- Know specific guidelines and strategies to develop an individualized plan of intervention.
- Learn how to collect useful information for the assessment of the personal capabilities.
- Conceptualización de calidad de vida en padres y madres de personas con TEA
https://www.hindawi.com/journals/aurt/2014/160783/ - Propuesta para la planificación de servicios y programas para personas con trastornos del espectro del autismo y sus familias Octubre de 2011. Asociación Española de Profesionales de Autismo. AETAPI http://aetapi.org/download/propuesta-la-planificacion-servicios-programas-personas-trastornos-del-espectro-del-autismo-familias/?wpdmdl=3317
- Autismo, calidad de vida hoy. Autismo España. http://www.autismo.org.es/sites/default/files/autismo_calidad_de_vida_hoy.definitivo.18_junio.pdf
- Cognitive Styles in the Context of Modern Psychology: Toward an Integrated Framework of Cognitive Style. Maria Kozhevnikov. 2007. https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/b1aa/0fe8ad4bb615447fdaa8952f71edba277f4d.pdf
- Profiling and Utilizing Learning Style. NASSP Learning Style Series. Keefe. 1988.
- http://www.who.int/mental_health/media/68.pdf
- La nueva definición de discapacidad intelectual, apoyos individuales y resultados personales. Robert L. Schalock. http://sid.usal.es/idocs/F8/ART11724/Schalock.pdf
- The New Definition of Intellectual Disability, Individual Supports, and Personal Outcomes. Robert L. Schalock.
- Últimos avances en el enfoque y concepción de las personas con DI. VERDUGO, M.A., SCHALOCK, R.2010. http://www.autismosevilla.org/doc/asociacion/intervencion_y_apoyos_autismo_sevilla.pdf
- La planificación centrada en la persona, una metodología coherente con el respeto al derecho de autodeterminación. María Ángeles López Fraguas, Isabel Marín González y José de la Parte Herrero. http://www.acpgerontologia.com/documentacion/Lopezfraguaspcp.pdf
- ARASAAC: http://www.arasaac.org/index.php (Web con recursos para realizar la actividad 3)
- http://elsonidodelahierbaelcrecer.blogspot.com.es/
- https://www.pictotraductor.com/
- TALKBOARD: https://itunes.apple.com/es/app/talkboard/id416436888?mt=8
- http://uwreadilab.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Entrevista-con-los-Padres-acerca-del-Autismo-Versi%C3%B3n-Cl%C3%ADnicaFINAL.pdf
- http://bscw.rediris.es/pub/bscw.cgi/d3979706/Cuestionario%20profesorado%202_1%20(necesidades%20y%20percepcion).pdf
- http://www.deletrea.es/enlace_materiales.php
- https://www.orientacionandujar.es/
- http://www.autismonavarra.com/materiales-y-enlaces-de-interes/materiales-para-familias-y-profesionales-autismo/
Students have to complete three theoretical-practical activities. In addition, they must complete a self-evaluation test of 20 items; which is considered suitable provided that at least 75% of the questions are correctly answered.