Autism-Europe hosts the last IPA+ project meeting in Brussels

After the successful IPA+ final conference, partners met in Brussels on November 9 to share their experiences in Spain, Serbia and Portugal and discuss strategies to ensure the sustainability of the project after its lifespan.

Since 2016, the IPA+ project has delivered 6 face-to-face training sessions to around 100 professionals in Spain, Portugal and Serbia.

Throughout the end of 2018, more than 250 professionals, relatives, decision-makers, journalist and other interested parties attended the 4 different IPA+ multiplier events held in Lisbon, Belgrade, Burgos and Brussels, aiming at raising awareness about the importance of education in autism for professionals and sharing the work and expertise of the project partners to a wider audience.

Before each of these events, project partners held discussions with national, regional and local key stakeholders (such as representatives of the government, the municipality, NGOs, universities, institutions for education and/or disabilities etc.), to discuss about the importance of sustaining the legacy of the IPA+ training after the project’s completion.

Partners also discussed the last steps of the project, including evaluation of the quantitative and qualitative data collected throughout the project’s lifespan, financial and impact updates and reports or the sustainability of the project.

A Dissemination Focus Group was also organized to discuss some of the key success factors. Cristina Fernández Álvarez de Eulate from Autism-Europe presented an overview of the dissemination actions undertaken over the last three years and featured some figures which demonstrate the success of the project in this field:

  • 1 dissemination strategy
  • +1K stakeholders involved
  • +1,7K website users from 83 countries
  • +700 subscribers to the quarterly newsletter
  • +270 followers on IPA+ social media channels
  • +400 official pictures taken
  • +15 appearances on media
  • +30 project presentations at external events in Europe and beyond

This meeting was kindly hosted by Autism-Europe. The IPA+ partners have held four transnational meetings and fourconferences over its two-year lifespan.

2018-11-22T13:30:09+00:00November 10th, 2018|