IPA+ partners call for the removal of barriers for autism to build an accessible society
To mark World Autism Awareness Day (WAAD), IPA+ partner Autism-Europe (AE) is launching a long-running awareness campaign titled “Break barriers together fort autism – Let’s build an accessible society” to understand what barriers to inclusion autistic people are up [...]
IPA+ project takes its first steps in Valencia
The Research Institute on Social Welfare Policy (POLIBIENESTAR) at the University of Valencia, coordinator of the IPA+ project, hosted the first Transnational Meeting on December 1st and 2nd 2016 in Valencia, Spain. This kick-off meeting, [...]
IPA+ project to foster inclusion with a training for professionals
The “Inclusion of people with autism in Europe. Towards a specialised training model for professionals (IPA+)”, running from September 2016 to August 2018 and funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus + Programme, focuses on developing [...]