The Serbian Society of Autism hosts the IPA+ national event in Belgrade
Serbian IPA+ conference took place on 19th October in Belgrade hosted by partner Serbian Society of Autism (SSA). Considering that pilot course was attended mostly by special educators, with formal education in autism, for the [...]
Register now for our final conference in Brussels “Autism -Training professionals to foster inclusion”
If you are a professional working with people on the autism spectrum, this half-day conference will give you the opportunity to learn more about available training on autism online, independently of your area of knowledge. This event, [...]
150 participants learn about training on autism in Lisbon
Around 150 parents, professionals, students, policy-makers, invited guests and other stakeholders attended the first IPA+ project national event “Autism- training for inclusion”, held on October 12 in the União de Associações do Comércio e Serviços [...]